Nov 14, 2007

Live Well Wednesday

This week I have re-committed myself to getting back to the healthy lifestyle, and I'm so glad I came across , "Live Well Wednesday"!

My first day heading back to the right path was only yesterday. I started the day working out with my dear hubby. We went to the gym and played raquetball, rode the recumbant bikes and walked ( he jogged) on the treadmills. And I told myself no soda! I had been doing well with that, but alas, went back to drinking soda daily.
I believe yesterday was a good start, now I need to get in some exercise today, and the day is half over.
Hope you are all living well!


tammi said...

Welcome to Living Well! Good for you, deciding to get back on track! That's the first step to success!!! I hope you'll find the encouragement you need here!

Darlene Schacht said...

I'm so glad that you're on this journey with us! It sounds like a great start.

Denise said...

You go girl, you can be succcessful.

Terri said...

I'm so glad that you started back up. We can get so defeated when we miss a day (or week!) but it sounds like you had a great day yesterday. Keep it up!

House of Virtue said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your encouraging commentary...I apologize for the looooooooooooooong time it took me to respond......Our society today is in need of a revelation of men and women of strong character sustained by God's grace. Happy Thanksgiving!

I also write poetry @ myunchainedspirit.blogspot (Poetry Blog). I hope to learn more from you. God bless you!